1 Bold Update

Welcome to 1 Bold Update; our place to ponder marketing mysteries and (boldly) discuss topics like strategic alignment, technologies, systems, and more. 

Strategy Articles

The 411 on Lead Sources in HubSpot

One of my favorite reports to build in HubSpot and show my clients is the sales by lead source report. It shows the client where their revenue is coming from so they know where to further ...
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The 4 Common Mistakes Companies Make with HubSpot

HubSpot is an amazing piece of software. When implemented correctly, it can be powerfully leveraged to attract and nurture leads, then help you turn those leads into sales. But ...
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Buyer Personas vs. Ideal Customer Profiles — Should you have both?

The lines between ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and buyer personas are sometimes blurred, especially when marketers use both terms interchangeably. However, ICPs and buyer personas are not ...
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How Google Display Ads Fit with your Marketing Strategy

When it comes to digital advertising, few platforms give you as much reach and targeting options as Google. The value of Search ads is very apparent; advertising on the world’s biggest ...
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Your Market Has Changed, Now What? PIVOT!

You've probably heard it a million times — I know we've heard it plenty here at 1 Bold Step, but the market has changed over the last 18-24 months and in a big way. As marketers, we've had ...
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Should a B2B Company Have a Newsletter? (YES!) 4 Reasons Why Newsletters Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Newsletters are in these days. Just about every B2C is sending them out. According to Kinsta, 79% of B2C marketers rely on emails to spread their new articles and blog posts. But what about ...
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Marketing Enablement. That’s What We Do!

Recently, at a cocktail party, I was asked the age-old question, “What do you do?” I replied that I was a Senior Marketing Consultant for an agency called 1 Bold Step that helps clients ...
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I Can’t See My Google Ads – Are They Working?

If you’ve ever kicked off a Google Ads campaign with a new digital ads marketing agency, chances are you are familiar with going through some variation of this thought process:
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Why Brand Identity is Important and How it Adds Value to Your Business

A lot of companies struggle to grow because they don’t know how to stand out from the competition or market themselves effectively. That’s why having a brand identity is important. A strong ...
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Maximizing Your Investment in Marketing: Habits For Continuous Improvement

Marketing isn’t something you do once - there’s no “set it and forget it.” In this business, you slide backwards when you’re not continuously improving. And with the growth rate of new ...
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Buyer Personas: What the heck are they and why should your business have one?

When it comes to marketing your product or service, are you talking to the right person? If you've felt like your marketing ROI isn't as high as it should be, it may be time to evaluate ...
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The Most Important Digital Ad KPI

Today’s the day! Can you feel the excitement, the suspense??? You’ve waited for weeks (at least two), and you’re ready to get the results of your investment. That’s right, it’s time to log ...
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