1 Bold Update

Welcome to 1 Bold Update; our place to ponder marketing mysteries and (boldly) discuss topics like strategic alignment, technologies, systems, and more. 

Strategy Articles

The Importance of Brainstorming (and How to do it Better)

Brainstorming seems like a no-brainer, but that is definitely not the case. A big misconception is that brainstorming is simply jotting down ideas at random and then picking what seems like ...
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Strategy vs. Tactics: The Difference and How They Work Together

You have goals for your business and are ready to amp up your marketing to reach those goals. So, you begin posting on social media, curating newsletters, and maybe even redesigning your ...
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Don't Let Influencers Fool You — Here's the Truth About Marketing Best Practices

One thing I’m hearing marketing “influencers” say repeatedly these days is, “Don’t follow marketing best practices. If you do, you’ll just be doing what everybody else is doing. You won’t ...
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The Economic Outlook: Should You Dial Your Marketing Up or Down?

Unless you are an economist, you might find the latest economic outlook a bit confusing. Judging from all the conflicting opinions, even the economists are confused. What we do know is that ...
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Small Bets — A Marketing Strategy I’m Willing to Bet On

Have you ever invested heavily in a marketing campaign or initiative that just didn’t pay off? Or even worse; invest heavily and you’re really not sure if it paid off or not? We often hear ...
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Guest Blogging and Why You Should Be Doing It

Most savvy inbound marketers know that blogging is a vital tool in attracting the right visitors to a website. But we can take this conversation a step further with a strategy that can be ...
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Recruitment Marketing: How Marketing Can Help Hire Your Next Employee

Not many things are universal to almost every company today, regardless of industry, location, and size. The one thing that is universal is the importance of hiring. The ability to attract ...
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How Do I Get My Employee to Engage with Our Social Media Accounts?

Have you ever posted on your company's social media accounts, asked your team to please share and comment on it, only to have it remain unengaged with? In the grand scheme of things, your ...
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Is Having an Organic Social Media Presence Important for a B2B?

The future of marketing has evolved greatly over the last decade. The presence of social media has taken the world by storm. When it comes to marketing, many examples of social media ...
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Microsites, Landing Pages, and Pillar Pages: What’s the Difference?

As 1 Bold Step’s resident Content Producer, I have to keep my content marketing skills sharp. Typically that includes reading up on the latest trends, writing a variety of content, and ...
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Positioning vs. Messaging vs. Value Propositions: What's the Difference?

Before you invest in any marketing or advertising, you need to solidify your positioning, messaging, and value propositions to have the best chance of success. Why? Because in business, ...
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How to Create More Value and Views through Repurposing Your Old Content

You spent a lot of time and effort creating killer content. Make sure you are maximizing your investment by repurposing that work! Some businesses will publish a blog or a social media post ...
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