Maximizing Your Award: Strategies for Continued Growth and Success

by | May 23, 2024 11:32:35 AM |

Congratulations! Your company just won a major award. But now what? As a strategic growth agency, this is the perfect time to use this achievement as an opportunity to keep growing and keep pushing your business to new heights. 

As an alumni winner of the Top 50 Companies to Watch in 2022, 1 Bold Step has been in your shoes, not exactly sure what to do next. The biggest advice we can give is that getting the most out of your award means utilizing its reflective glow to generate more awards and publicity. We believe our award in 2022 was a catalyst for the following achievements the following year:

Now it’s your turn! Here’s what has worked for us to help scale your business. 


Our 12-step Award Promotion Plan 

There are several ways you can promote your award to your customers, prospects, and community. When we won, we wrote a blog about it (which we also pitched to the media as a press release), we went on a podcast, added the award logo to our website footer and email signature, and made sure to do plenty of social media around the award. 

To ensure you stay on point with promoting your award going forward, here’s a quick checklist to help you promote your business. 


Add the awards logo to your email signature

Add the award logo to the footer of your website

Create social media posts announcing your award

Encourage Employees to share your social posts

Draft and send out a press release to your local media stations announcing your award

Write a blog post about your award and publish it in your newsletter and on social media

Update your marketing assets to include the new award logo

Display the award at your business

Draft an internal email to send to your team, congratulating them and thanking them for all they do to help the business succeed

Email your clients, letting them know about your award and thanking them for their support along the way 

Get photos from the award gala to post on your website and social media channels. 

KEY: Apply for more awards!


Continuing to Grow

If you aim to continue growing as a business, yet you’re unsure of where to start. Or if you’re brimming with ideas for promoting your business but lack the time or capabilities to implement them, then enlisting the help of a strategic growth agency might be the ideal solution for scaling your business. 

So what is a strategic growth agency? It’s a full-scale marketing team but at a fraction of the cost. Working as a team is important, which is why our strategic growth agency seamlessly integrates with your current team. If you want your business to grow and need the help of a strategic growth agency, reach out to us now

About 1 Bold Step

At 1 Bold Step we believe that everything can be more efficient, but especially marketing. Acting as an extension of a client’s marketing department (onsite or virtually), we help create systems, order, and accountability. With a focus on increasing sales and proving return on marketing investment, we’re determined to change marketing from overhead to value add. 


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