Adam Clarke Awarded 2024 Most Valuable Entrepreneur by Corp! Magazine

by | Aug 5, 2024 12:56:26 PM | News

1 Bold Step President and Co-Founder, Adam Clarke, has been recognized as one of Corp! Magazine’s Most Valuable Entrepreneur of 2024, picked from among thousands of nominations across the state. This award is a demonstration of the strength and resilience of Michigan’s business professionals, which honors leaders in their respective industries who contribute significantly to the state's economic development. 

Adam has demonstrated his ability to be a change-making entrepreneur, committed to leading 1 Bold Step towards its goals. Since the company’s launch 5 years ago, Adam's accomplishments from being named 40 Under 40 to now Corp! MVP are an example of betting on yourself and helping others grow with you. 

“Taking the risk to leave my job in 2018 to help start 1 Bold Step has become one of my greatest successes,” says Adam. “It has been incredible to watch this company grow from a marketing team of 3 to a revenue growth agency of 20 dedicated staff who love this place as much as I do.” 

Adam's commitment to seeing his clients succeed has solidified 1 Bold Step's reputation as a trusted partner for driving predictable business growth. Adam tackles everything from market strategy to CRM integration to marketing automation and even campaign execution. His unique skill set allows him to channel his years of experience in sales and marketing to find gaps and opportunities in the process. 

“I learned early in my career that I had a knack for becoming a partner in increased efficiency,” Adam continued, “Using creative ideas, problem-solving, and solid project management skills, we’re now striving to effectively prove business growth for our clients. When you work with people who want to grow and learn alongside the company, it makes success that much more valuable!"

1 Bold Step’s commitment to excellence, strategic marketing, and client success makes Adam Clarke a worthy recipient of the Most Valuable Entrepreneur award. His love for motivating entrepreneurs and local business leaders across Michigan and beyond is a trait to be admired. 1 Bold Step is proud to celebrate this incredible achievement while continuing to support and cheer for his success and accomplishments.

Recipients of this year’s award will be celebrated during an MVP mixer on August 15, 2024. They will also receive a profile in Corp! Magazines’ special end-of-summer edition of the publication.

About 1 Bold Step

At 1 Bold Step we believe that everything can be more efficient, but especially marketing. Acting as an extension of a client’s marketing department (onsite or virtually), we help create systems, order, and accountability. With a focus on increasing sales and proving return on marketing investment, we’re determined to change marketing from overhead to value add. 


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